Short course in Computational Motor Control



This is a short course that provides a tutorial for the mathematics that has been used to formulate problems in motor control.  The course meets twice a week, Wednesday and Fridays, 8-9AM, Traylor 416, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. 

The course started on Wednesday May 18, 2011.  All are welcome.

Instructor: Reza Shadmehr

Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Kinematic cost functions, minimum jerk, and Jacobians.  Text  Slides

Lecture 3: Muscle forces, joint torques, and lengths. 
A model of primary and secondary muscle spindles.  Model of gamma-motor neurons. Text  Slides

Lecture 4: Stiffness of the arm, as measured in endpoint and joint coordinates.  Slides

Lectures 5-8: Introduction to dynamics: motion of rigid bodies as minimization of an energy based cost, linear and angular momentum, and inertia.  These lectures conclude with derivation of dynamics for an arm-like system, and description of a controller that uses an “inverse model” to move the system from one position to another along a desired trajectory. Slides

Lecture 9: Introduction to optimal control:  Costs and rewards of movements. This lecture covers the material from Chapter 10 of the Biological Learning and Control book.  Text  Slides